The How Behind IDEA-ICE-3000 Certification

Written by Leo Lambert | Dec 3, 2013 3:07:06 PM

Lia M. Powell, Program Manager, Independent Distributors of Electronics Association

So you’ve decided that you want to pursue IDEA-ICE-3000 certification. Now, you just have to figure out how to proceed. We want to help.

What is the exam?
The curriculum of the IDEA-ICE-3000 Professional Inspector Certification Exam (IDEA-ICE-3000) focuses on content from IDEA-STD-1010: Acceptability of Electronic Components Distributed in the Open Market. It also incorporates content from other relevant industry standards as well as important best-practices relevant to the open market. The program challenges the candidate in practical inspection knowledge as well as the access and usage of relevant reference materials in the workplace.

IDEA-ICE-3000 is unique in that the testing experience is comprised of three distinct parts that provide for a more comprehensive demonstration of the candidate’s inspection expertise:

  • Part 1 consists of test modules, with randomized content categorized by subject and sourced from a large, evergreen list of questions.
  • Part 2 requires the candidate to demonstrate practical inspection skills by providing photo exhibits with accompanying explanations and reference citations that illustrate specific instances of identified nonconformances and the candidate’s ability to accurately and professionally communicate findings. Conversely, IDEA may provide example exhibits for evaluation to candidates upon request if they are unable to submit photos from their inspections because of confidentiality or nondisclosure agreement concerns.
  • Part 3 requires the candidate to provide corrective action on all content answered incorrectly in Part 1 to confirm the candidate has an optimal understanding of all required information on which the certification is based.

All three parts that comprise IDEA-ICE-3000 are accessed through a secure online interface that offers each candidate a convenient, efficient, and unique testing environment that is formatted for optimal user experience and interaction.

Am I eligible to take the test?
Candidates must also satisfy prerequisite requirements to confirm eligibility for certification. This ensures that program candidates are employees of OEMs, CMs, EMS providers, government entities, or DEA members who hold appropriate positions and experience levels for the certification. Furthermore, candidates must also make a signed declaration of intent to abide by the IDEA-ICE-3000 Code of Ethics and to demonstrate honesty, fairness, and objectivity in their inspection duties for all stakeholders.

Why should I want to take the test?
IDEA-ICE-3000 was designed to demonstrate inspection competency for the benefit of all stakeholders and to offer a targeted visual solution for responsible procurement. Successful certification provides the employee and the employer with objective evidence that demonstrates, both to internal and external customers, higher levels of quality assurance and inspection competency, increased confidence in the achievement of customer satisfaction, and enhanced marketability of products and services.

To learn more about the program, how it may benefit your inspection efforts, and to access enrollment details and the application, please click here for more information.